Monday, April 30, 2007

and now i can rest.

ok.. its monday night, 11:20pm. i don't know why this blog posts my time wrong all the time, i'll have to figure that out.

anyway... i have been awake and on the go since 5:45am this morning.

my rehearsal was long, but good. our group will go on hiatus soon... and then we wont meet again until we have a concert in july, and wont start actual practice again until next september.

i'm always glad for the holiday, but also miss all the people, the practices and the performances.

the end of the year party is at my house this year :P so..... that gives me a definate date to have this house completely put together.

yes i moved in here in november, and no.. i'm not totally unpacked and haven't even hung one picture on the wall yet.

but, to my defense i should say... the house has been under going renovations for the better part of the last 5 months.

anyway, i need to call a pool company to come and open up swimming pool, and figure out a nice design for my back garden.

the family that lived here before us didn't have anything planted... i suppose the good thing about that is i mostly have a clean slate to start from.

JUNE 4th is the party.. its a monday. actually we are doing it here because i'm the photographer for the group.. and we need a new set of publicity photos to use for the next concert season. if i have everyone over here i can set up my studio and make sure all my lights are properly positioned and metered before anyone arrives. it saves me from having to haul everything to some random location and set up under time constraints.

besides all that.... its the first time i'll actually have my friends over to my new house :)

tonight i was hired to play at a big cathedral in downtown detroit. i had no idea what the event was before i got there.. its not my own church.

i was told to bring my flute and a lot of classic music... handel, bach, telemann, shubert, mozart..

when i arrived at 5:45 .. i started to realize what a big event this was. it turns out that the episcopal church was installing a new biship and some new canons.. (i apologize for not knowing exactly who they are... but there were obviously very important people in the episcopal church)

there were over 4000 clergy from around the world.. and photographers, and tv cameras.. and lots and lots of formalities. the service was to start at 7pm so they had me begin playing at 6:45. since its a proper cathedral.. it made it impossible for me to see the congregation from where i was playing.. after i played the prelude, and was able to peek around the massive organ i saw the crowd.

i had no idea this event was such a HUGE ordeal.

anyway.. i also played during communion.... at my church communion takes about 7 minutes.... tonight, it took nearly 40 minutes to complete communion :| i played at least something from every single book of music i took there. it felt like a marathon.

the music minister at this church sure had a lot of confidence in me, to just have me show up and basically play 40 minutes of unrehearsed music. (i've played for him once before, so at least he had heard me before) this is when the last 25 years of practicing comes in handy :D

the service lasted 2:40 minutes :|

i'm thankful that i'm presbyterian, and not episcopalian :P

it would have felt really funny to take payment for tonights job... so i didn't. i'm so honored that i was asked to play. besides.. now i have more than 4000 people who know where to get a flute player if they need one for a wedding or something :) you can't even buy better advertising than that. what? you maybe thought i was totally altruistic????? ;)

it turned out to be a good day.. bill made it to chicago alright, and when i arrived home after not seeing the kids all day... everyone was still alive and even fed themselves. i suppose there is hope for this family yet :)

didn't get a chance to call my dad for his bday today :( he goes to bed so early that by the time i was able to call.. i knew i'd wake him up. i sent him an email, and hopefully he got the cards we mailed last week. i'll call him tomorrow to apologize. he is now 71.

now.... off to bed for my beauty sleep!

hectic monday

well... the week begins. mondays are usually one of my favorite days of the week, because its a day i have music stuff ALL day.

rehearsal from 8:30-2:30 (preparations for the recording studio next monday) we actually got the music early this time.. and have had time to work on it. this recording session is a bit different from what i normally do. we have 10 demo songs to do.. and a commercial for Rock Financial. i'll just have about a 10 second spot in that.. so its not that exciting... but.. i got to meet the singer last night.. which was pretty cool. she is from my area, but has worked in the recording business a LONG time. she has done voice overs for movies, and even was the voice in one of the disney movies (small part). she travels between california, detroit, and memphis doing recording work.. the cool thing is... she and i were talking during a break last night, and she knows an old boyfriend of mine (who still works in the recording industry)

this guy (stephen) that we both know has his own recording studio now. He lives with his wife, and twins just a few hours away from me. we did exchange family pictures and emails about 5 years ago.. but really haven't kept in touch. although things didn't work out for us when we were dating (in college) i've always considered him to be a good guy and a friend.

the singer is going to record in stephen's studio in june, and will let him know i'm back in town. so... hopefully if he needs a flute player for future projects he will call me...its really a small world we live in.

after rehearsal this morning.. i have a doctor appointment and then a playing job tonight. bill just told me that he is traveling this week, gone today thru wednesday night. i hate it when he doesn't tell me until the day he is traveling. he isn't traveling as much with this job... most of it domestic, but still... a couple days notice would be nice.

btw, i delivered my two picture projects to my friends last night. the one with the 50 yr old picture i restored... next to the new picture... she loved the project. she has given me 4 more photos to restore for her :P

the other lady... the one when i converted the pictures to b/w then tinted them for her... is extremely picky. (which is odd because the pictures she gave me to work with weren't very good. just out of focus snapshots) anyway.. she liked 2 out of the 3 images i fixed for her, but has requested that do some different things to the last image.. so i'll work on that as soon as i get time.

ok, i'm gonna be late for rehearsal.. i gotta go!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

5k, baseball

i'm alive! which may not be such a surprise to any of you, but i had the 5k to do today.. and i've been under the weather.. and really feeling draggy lately. i did not run today, but i did walk it, briskley, and everything was fine.

the day started with my alarm waking me up at 4:50am... let me just say this upfront - 4:50 am is not morning.. its still dead of night in my book. i woke hannah up and took my shower, by 5:30 i was set to go and went to get in the car only to realize that hannah had never gotten out of bed.

now, let me explain. hannah is an activist. she is on a constant search for a cause to get involved in, it drives her. she is the one that found this asthma benefit put on by the American Lung Assoc. and the one that signed up to volunteer, and then made sure to sign me up to do the 5k. then she told me about it :|. well, her intentions were very good, and i love the fact she wants to help change the world, helping in anyway she can..BUT.. she can go overboard sometimes.

i mean.. this was a very good cause and all, but its not something i would have done on my own, i did this because she was so excited about it. i already volunteer several hours each week for a few different organizations, as well as offer my time and talents to several churches. there is barely a weekend that goes by when i'm not playing in some church in metro detroit.

her volunteer job at this event was to work at registration. because she isn't 18 yet, and doesn't drive herself, i had to agree to drive her, and be at the event so that she could work at it.

we arrived a little late, they wanted all volunteers there at 6am.. but we arrived about 20 minutes late.. BUT we were still the first ones at the zoo. it was pouring rain and probably 40 degrees, miserable... even the zoo workers were not there yet. after about 15 minutes the lady in charge of all the volunteers arrived and told us what she needed hannah to do... of course, i ended up helping hannah with her job, and staying at the registration until every walker/runner had checked in.

the actual even started at 8:30. by 10am we were finished with the registration and i started by walk, hannah decided to do it with me. we walked, 5k isn't far anyway.. only about 3 miles :P but.... my plan was to run it (which was a big deal to me) hannah was sweet for walking it with me, especially knowing i didn't feel very well... we ending up having a lovely morning.

the event raised somewhere around 10,000US so.. hopefully it will help.

after leaving the zoo, i had to go by the lab and pick up my picture projects that i did for my friends. i was pleased with the results :) hopefully my friends will be as well.

then, onto the Detroit Tigers baseball game in downtown. the sun came out just as we arrived at the ball park, it was actually hot in the stands. the sun was beating down on us. bill, the boys, and i, had decent seats, and the game was fun. we lost really bad, but had a good time anyway.

all in all its been a great day. i just have to keep reminding hannah that until she is able take the responsiblity of participating in events and getting herself there.. that she HAS to make sure its ok with me first.

Pistons took the first round of the playoffs today :D now they are heading to the second round.. yay! we don't know if they will play chicago or miami next... if its miami it will be a rematch of last years playoffs (which we lost) if its chicago then we get to play against ben wallace (former pistons starter who left this year) either will be exciting GO PISTONS!

tonight i have to send off proofs from a teaching seminar and music festival that i worked at last weekend.

hope everyones weekend is going well.

Friday, April 27, 2007


ok.. i just finished the projects for my two friends.. now have it sent to the lab, but can't pick them up until tomorrow am after i do the 5k run.. thanks to izz for helping me figure out an easier way to tint the baby pictures.

that doesn't leave much time to edit or make changes if i need too. but..... thats what i get for procrastinating i suppose :|

Detroit Tigers baseball game tomorrow at 1:30... and the weather is supposed to be absolutely beautiful :)

sunday.. morning job, afternoon meeting, night rehearsal... so i better enjoy tomorrow while i have a bit of time off.

i still haven't looked at my images from the pistons basketball game earlier in the week, it was a preplayoff game, but still...... i think i got at least a few decent shots so that i can make sam a nice poster for his room. you know.. they say no lenses over 4 inches long without a pass at those silly games. doesn't even matter the MM... ridicules. i stuck my 70-200 2.8 in the bottom of my purse.. and no one said a thing after it was on my camera.

i'm exhausted... a house full of kids all day.. and i still feel under the weather. i just gotta get better before tomorrow's run. they have posted a big reward for information leading to an arrest of whoever keeps calling in the bomb threats.. the reward would be enough to buy a very nice used car.. which should be enticing to kids in high school... hopefully someone will realize a car is worth more than missing a day of school.

the school will be on lock down from now until the end of the year. kids packs and lockers will be searched everyday, and you have to be off school grounds by 3pm. this is just so sad.. because that means all the after school activities.. even the school sponsored ones are done for this year. its gonna make for a long last 6 weeks of school. i hope this has all been just a prank, and the idiot that did it gets caught.

if i don't die in the morning doing the 5k, i'll post again tomorrow


ok.. so i've already missed a day in my daily blog ......

well i do have a good excuse.

i woke up yesterday and just felt a bit off (more off than usual). i was tired, achy, and felt .. blah. there were some people at rehearsal on monday that mentioned being sick over the weekend, and one lady got sick at rehearsal.. so i figured i was next in line.

i tried to take it easy yesterday morning.. going back to bed after getting the kids to school, but didn't really sleep. finally decided to get up and take a shower..i always feel better after a shower. i decided to go out and run some errands that i had been putting off, and to meet bill for lunch. as i drove out of the driveway, i pressed the garage door opener button to close the door.. and then i heard "BOOM!!!!!"

i couldn't figure out what had happened... i was still in the driveway.. and looked at my house.. and then i realized that my garage door was all bent up.. crumpled :( something had happened, and it fell instead of lowering slowly like it was supposed to. i knew it was going to be a hassle, but i didn't want to be late for lunch, so i just left it and went on.

from lunch i went straight to pick the kids up after school.. because the weather was just plain dreary and nasty. we then went to the card store to by my dad a birthday card, his birthday (71) is on monday. nobody could agree on one card, so we each got one.... so he'll have a bunch of cards to open on monday :)

anyway.. back home to check the damage to the door..... its a very very heavy door... double wide made of reinforced steal. its guided thru the tracks by wheels, and springs, and the electric door opener is connected to it. i realized after looking at it, that the spring had snapped. this isn't a tiny spring, its HUGE... i'm so glad no one was in the garage when it happened and that it happened when the door was closing .. not opening.

if it had occured while i was pulling into the garage, the door would have fallen on the car.. and probably crushed it :|

i'm starting to think maybe its this car that is cursed.. a few weeks ago the hit and run accident, then during repairs at the shop.. more mysterious damage to the opposite side of the car.. now the garage door nearly missing it......

anyway.... the garage door will have to be jacked up and removed..and replaced. i'm waiting right now for the garage door guy, he said he'd be here between 8-12... so that means i'll see him around 12:30 ;)

my estimate for this repair is 1300 ... ugh... lets hope i'm wrong. i keep thinking there is nothing else that could possibly go wrong with this house.....

3 toilets replaced, new laundry tub, new kitchen, new master bathroom, new electrical throughout, new telephone lines, new cable.... could all this hassle really be worth the amount we saved on this house?????

so.. on with my day yesterday... by the time i got in after shopping... and feeding everyone, i was still feeling quite crappy and decided to put on my jammies, and just watch the Pistons playoff game. game 3 against the orlando magic (we won!! yay!) now we have one more game in florida.. if we lose that one then its back home next week. this is just the first round of the playoffs, but the pistons look great.

last night after watching the game.. alex got a call from his g/f just at bedtime. her mom is good friends with the secretary at the high school. natalie told alex that there has been yet another bomb threat at their school, and its closed today while the police do a sweep. this is the second bomb threat in 2 weeks, and just 3 weeks ago at the middle school there was a false call about a student with a gun that closed down the entire area for several hours.

in total, 4 schools in our district are closed this morning due to the threat.. thats about 6500 students out of school for another day. this is getting really upsetting.

they caught the person who phoned in the phoney gun call at sam's school.. it was a 6th grader :| a new kid to the school, 11 years old calling from the payphone at school ... how sad. he has been suspended and failed 6th grade.

they have a suspect in the bomb threat 2 weeks ago that shut down the same 4 schools that are shut down this morning... a 16 yr old boy, they are charging him for the costs of the search... estimated 700,000US, plus failing him, and charging him as an adult. there is also talk of charging his parents :|

i just don't understand that.. i mean.. at 16 years old, i believe if you hurt someone or threaten to hurt someone.. you are responsible for yourself. i don't know the parents, or what kind of family this kid comes from... maybe i'm just looking at it from my point of view. if one of my kids ever did something like this...... i just can't imagine.

to the kids at the schools now its becoming a big joke... days off. this latest threat apparently referenced the virgina tech mess and threaten to make that look like "childs play" as a parent that creeps me out beyond words. i asked my 2 high schoolers if they talked about what they would do if someone was actually shooting up their school.. and they said.. yeah.. everyone agrees they would play dead :| i hate that they even have had to think about that. its just so sad.

garage door guy just called, he is on his way.. so we'll see what the damage is in a few minutes.

i'm expecting a housefull of kids here in a little while... since they don't have school, our house seems to be the gathering place. i don't mind that.. at least i know what they're doing.

i'm supposed to do a 5k run in the morning, the way i feel right now.. i'll be walking very slow and come in last for sure .. but i'm still planning on doing it.

i guess if i'm going to do this blogging thing, i need to become more efficent with saying more using less words.

c ya all for now.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

its gotta start somewhere

ok.. so this is what i'm gonna do.

i never get to see my friends online anymore. i have great friends that i enjoy chatting with, and visiting, and sharing all kinds of things with.. but lately i just seem to be offline when they are on or not home when they call.

to prove that
1. i have not dropped off the face of the earth
2. i am not in the witness protection program
3. i actually do know how to work the computer

i am going to start a daily (mostly daily) blog.

today is wednesday... my typical wednesdays go like this..
up at 6:30 get kids to school
class at 10
home by 1:30
grocery shop, laundry, other menial tasks... then in the evenings either teach or collapse, it varies by week.

i'm going to remind anyone that doesn't already know, i'm a horrible speller, and i refuse to take time to look up words while i'm blogging... it will just give me another excuse to avoid blogging.

i'm going to bare all here... because i suspect anyone reading this is either a real life friend, or knows me very well from online.

today i had a doctor's appointment reguarding my weightloss and fitness program i've been following. the news is good, i've lost a total of 26% of my body weight.. which seems insane, but needed to be done.

no i'm not skinny and never will be, but things are getting closer to normal for me than they have ever been before.

i'm swimming a total of about 4 hours a week, and working out another 4-5 hours in the gym. i have a personal trainer now that is helping me fine tune my program.

one thing i've noticed is.. the last time i weighed this amount, my body looked really different that it does now :| ok.. the last time i weighed what i do now... i was just in college.. so that might explain the reason.

anyway, enough about being fat..

its spring here.. we've had some amazing days so far, today is NOT one of them. its cold and rainy and windy.

bill is in toledo, ohio again today.. so that means me and the kids alone for dinner. sam has been begging for lentle soup (had it at a vegan dinner the other night that hannah made us go to) so..... i'm cooking lentle soup, it smells soooo good. i had to search for the proper spices to put in it, but i think its gonna be good.

i have two projects that i'm working on for my friends in one of my music groups.. picture projects. they are both dear friends, and i didn't think it would be a big deal at all. melonie has 3 pictures of her daughter (blurry/bad quality) that she wanted converted to b/w and colorized pink in certain places. these pictures are to go in a frame that is part of a mirror or something and put in her little girls room. i'm nearly done with that project.

my other friend, kay, has asked me to repair a picture of her and her cousins taken 50 years ago, and make a print that will fit into a frame with another picture of the same people taken just this year. the old photo is a wierd size.. square.. and the new one is of course 4x6, so i'm working on figuring out how to make them both fit into a double frame that will look good. i've done most of the repairs, and scanned the new photo... so that project is nearly done as well. i'll see them both on sunday, so i need to have them done by then.

i really don't mind doing the work for friends.. i just hope the quality is what they expected. it helps me with my photoshop skills anyway... and you all know i need the practice.

i haven't seen my friend malcolm for a while, but i did get my plane tickets all set for my visit in a few months.. markus has already got his tickets too.. so this year will be the 3rd year that we've all been able to get together for photography. its gonna be a great time.

malcolm is going to help me rent a car.... :| so watch out england, i'll be driving (hopefully on the right side of the road) in september.

my dad is feeling much better after his episodes last week, of course my mother will not keep me informed about his health, but i was able to talk to him directly. i will make a point to call him again tomorrow.

i forgot about alex's orthodonist appointment :| so now i have to reschedule it.

ok, thats about it for the post.. see? i'm alive and mostly well :P hope to talk to you all soon.