Thursday, August 16, 2007


va·ca·tion : [vey-key-shuhn, vuh-] –noun
1.a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday

there needs to be a word to describe this situation

1. a period of time when emotions run high and there are too many people in too small of an area all with different expectations of who will do what work, and how time will be spent; total chaos


Geminai said...

Isn't that called "Summer break", Beth? ;)

Hope all is going well .. I look forward to hearing about it when you get back.

Mal said...

Its ok i will chill you out in the Steel :)
Hi geminia I'm the loonatic she is coming to see in England :)

Geminai said...

Hi Malcolm .. I recognized your name. I'm SO jealous! Make sure to find a big, tall mountain for her to hike, ok?

Mal said...

Eh...........its England we dont do big tall mountains. Small stumpy ones yes :)

Geminai said...

Haha. Ok, then make her climb them multiple times .. after a long, long night in the pub. I keep trying to get her out here to the Sierra Nevada mountain range. I think maybe I've scared her! :)

bhenson said...

wait wait... i feel some plotting going on ;)

Geminai said...

Plotting? Moi? ;)

(can't wait to hear about how your trip is going/has gone!)

Mal said...

I have a lot of stuff planned. stuff like getting in a car and getting lost. How much more fun do you want than getting lost? Specialy (I cant spell) in a strange country :) and none more strange than my neck of the woods :) Ever seen deliverance geminai? same thing here but do the music with bag pipes :)
Somebody report Beth missing..... she just might be yet.

Geminai said...

Oooh, I love getting lost in strange countries! (ok, well, MOST strange countries) :) When I lived in India for a year, there was no better way to get my bearings than getting lost. Worked wonders! I'm jealous of Beth's trips to meet up with you guys .. they sound wonderful. :) In all seriousness, I hope you have another truly fantastic time!

Mal said...

so jump on the plane with her she has a room booked :)

Geminai said...

Ha! Don't I wish. :) With trips to California, Colorado, the West Indies, and, coming up, Michigan, I think my boyfriend would shoot me if I tried to spend any more money on travel! I know how special these get-togethers are for Beth, anyway, and I would never encroach. But perhaps someday we can take a vacation near where you guys are, and at a similar time so that one or two days might overlap and we can all meet. I'd love it .. I love meeting new folks, especially photographers and people as friendly and wonderful as Beth has told me you are.

(how was that, Beth? Did I say it right? Do I get the FULL payoff?)

bhenson said...

kippy, your check is in the mail ;) now maybe malcolm will carry my camera bag up another mountain for me

Mal said...

Oh god I'm carying a bag of cement agian. Last time it was up a mountain :(