Sunday, February 17, 2008


my son alex is having kids over today to celebrate his 16th birthday. a house full of teenagers.. i know they will be playing video games.. specifically guitar hero....

since i'm still on the mend from my kidney stone ordeal.. i've been laying low.. taking my meds and gaining energy back. that means... while no one is looking i've been practicing guitar hero :)

i know... obsession isn't pretty.

last night on my social distortion song i hit 99% on medium with a grand total score of 220,041!!!!!! ok.. for those of you who aren't video game savvy.. thats a decent score. good enough to have beat that bouncer who came in at the last minute last week and took my glory.

i've learned 2 other songs now.. i'm building my repertoire.

today will be the test... my nemesis.. people who sit around in their mother's basement in their underwear playing video games. (just for the record, every time i've played the video game i'm totally dressed and ready to run out the door in case anyone asks what i was doing) its a true obsession.. but i'm a closet video game player... and since my house is nearly always full of people.. it keeps my obsession at bay.

omg... i hear something right this minute.... its MY SONG>......... who is practicing..

i'm horrified.. its Bill! he is so competitive!!!! he just got booed off the stage ;)

i'm off to costco to buy pizza and snacks for the party.. i'll save my self for when it really matters.. when the boys are in the basement i'll walk down and say.. "hey can i try?"

i'll keep you updated.

obsessively yours,

1 comment:

twoouts4me said...

hi beth!

just want to inform you that I moved my blog to wordpress .. (the old won't be updated anymore). of course I know it's a long time since my last lifesign ;) but I hope you come over for a visit, would be nice. so have a nice weekend, all the best - michael